Office of the Inspector General

The OIG protects the integrity of the Department of Human Services by providing preventive and enforcement services through independent audits, reviews and investigations. These services ensure program goals are achieved and compliant with State statutes and regulations. The OIG identify, investigate and resolve suspicions of fraud, waste and abuse.
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Report Fraud

$aving Tax Payer Dollar$

“Crime Doesn’t Pay”
As we all know times are extremely hard. There are millions without jobs and it’s very important that benefits are available for those who are in need. But, there are those who will continue to attempt to take advantage of the system no matter what. The Program Fraud Unit of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) conducts investigations to help reduce and deter such actions. In this space we will share a story illustrative of the fact that crime does not pay.

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ATM Safety (Especially EBT Customers)

  • Be careful
  • Use ATMs in well-lighted areas
  • Have your card ready to use
  • If you feel you are in danger, cancel your transaction, get your card and leave the area.
  • Don’t let anyone see you enter your PIN.