Other Programs to Help

Utility Service Protection Program

The Utility Service Protection Program (USPP) is designed to protect low-income families from utility turn-offs during the heating season. All MEAP eligible customers may participate in USPP. Participation also requires a year-round even monthly budget billing. Failure to make consecutive payments may result in removal from USPP.

Budget Billing is a mechanism that utility companies provide to help manage electric bills. Budget billings helps spread out year annual utility bills into even monthly payments. Please check with your Utility Company on eligibility requirement and budget billing policy. You may contact your Utility provider at the number listed on your bill or log on to the PSC website for listing of utility companies contact information at www.psc.state.md.us.


The EmPOWER Low Income Energy Efficiency Program (LIEEP), administered by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) helps low income households with installation of energy conservation materials in their homes at no charge. These improvements will both reduce a household’s energy use and lower the monthly utility bills, and will also make occupants more comfortable and may improve the air quality and overall health of the family.

Visit EmPOWER Maryland LIEEP: http://dhcd.maryland.gov/Residents/Pages/lieep/default.aspx

Baltimore Gas and Electric

BGE has a number of programs that provide credits to your bill.

PeakRewards Electric Water Heater Program Up to $50 in BGE bill credits
PeakRewards Air Conditioning Program Up to $200 in BGE bill credits
Time of Use Meter Up to 9% per year savings

Call 410-265-4000 or 1-800-786-2000 for more information on these programs

Fuel Fund

The Fuel Fund of Maryland is a non-profit organization that provides financial assistance to low income households facing an energy crisis such as a turn off notice, Additionally, the Fuel Fund can assist with bulk fuel heating needs with a “one-time” purchase; not with an outstanding bill. The mission of the Fuel Fund is to give low income households a fresh start by resolving outstanding energy bills through a combination of funds and resources provided by the client, local charitable organizations and the Fuel Fund. A turn off notice, and a completed application for Energy Assistance through the Office of Home Energy Programs are required to be eligible for Fuel Fund assistance. If you exceed Energy Assistance income limits, you may still be eligible for help from the Fuel Fund. Households are eligible for assistance once every 12 months.

Fuel Fund applications can be completed by phone, 410-235-9080, or Online applications are available 24 hours a day:  https://fuelfundmaryland.org/apply

Federal and Maryland Earned Income Credit

The Earned Income Credit is a special tax credit for limited-income workers. Contact the Internal Revenue Service 1-800-829-1040 for information and the Maryland Taxpayer Service at 1-800-638-2937.

Homeowners’ Property Tax Credit

Allows credits against the property tax bill of qualified homeowners. Contact local county offices of the program.

Renters’ Tax Credit

Provides a tax credit for individuals who rent and are below certain income limits. Call 1-800-944-7403 for information. In Baltimore City, call 410-767-5915.