Anne Arundel County Family Assistance Fund

What We Do
The Anne Arundel County Family Assistance Fund provides a way for building charitable support for worthwhile social services programs. Donations to the fund primarily are used to compliment efforts by the Anne Arundel County Department of Social Services to protect children, families and vulnerable adults from abuse or neglect, help preserve families, and promote stronger, safer and more self-sufficient individuals.
Who We Are
The Family Assistance Fund is administered by the Board of Directors for the Anne Arundel County Department of Social Services. We are a component fund of the MASSB Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax exempt entity established in 2007 to allow Board members to solicit financial support for programs that benefit individuals and families with unmet needs.
How We Help
The Annapolis Family Support Center builds on the strengths of young adult participants to promote positive parenting practices. Enrolled participants receive free childcare (infant-3 years) as they take parenting classes and receive assistance with attaining their educational goals. The Center is made possible largely by government and non-profit financial support. However, grants from the Anne Arundel County Family Assistance Fund pay for non-budgeted program activities and costs, such as some travel expenses, purchasing food for meals and healthy cooking classes and trips to museums and other cultural institutions.

Harmony House makes it possible for children and youth in foster care to have supervised visits with their families in a safe, home-like setting. Parents and children practice cooking meals together, do homework, share meals, plant gardens, play games and other typical homelike activities. The Family Assistance Fund helps support and enhance visits by covering costs for toys, games, craft supplies, learning activities, riding toys and other outdoor play equipment for family time. Funds have helped purchase a digital camera to capture special family time together and developing photos so that each child can have a Photo Life-Book to capture the positive memories of their time with their biological families at Harmony House.