Local Offices

Suspected abuse or neglect can be reported by calling the local office phone number below

Or by Calling 1-800-91Prevent (1-800-917-7383)

Other States’ Toll-Free Child Abuse Reporting Numbers listed below.

Other States’ Toll-Free Child Abuse Reporting Numbers

Each State designates specific agencies to receive and investigate reports of suspected child abuse and neglect. Typically, this responsibility is carried out by child protective services (CPS) within a Department of Social Services, Department of Human Services, or Division of Family and Children Services. In some States, police departments also may receive reports of child abuse or neglect.

State Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Numbers (Source – Child Welfare Information Gateway – revised 3/2016)

Location Phone
Alabama (AL) 800-422-4453 Childhelp®
Alaska (AK) 800-478-4444
Arizona (AZ) 888-767-2445
Arkansas (AR) 800-482-5964
California (CA) 800-422-4453 Childhelp®
Colorado (CO) 303-866-5932
Connecticut (CT) 800-842-2288
800-624-5518 (TDD/hearing impaired)
Delaware (DE) 800-292-9582
District of Columbia (DC) 202-671-7233
Florida (FL) 800-962-2873
Georgia (GA) 800-422-4453 Childhelp®
Hawaii (HI) 808-832-5300
Idaho (ID) 800-926-4453
208-332-7205 (TDD)
Illinois (IL) 800-252-2873
Indiana (IN) 800-800-5556
Iowa (IA) 800-362-2178
Kansas (KS) 800-922-5330
Kentucky (KY) 877-597-2331
Louisiana (LA) 855-452-5437
Maine (ME) 800-452-1999
800-963-9490 (TTY)
Maryland (MD) 800-332-6347
Massachusetts (MA) 800-792-5200
Michigan (MI) 855-444-3911
Minnesota (MN) 800-422-4453 Childhelp®
Mississippi (MS) 800-222-8000
Missouri (MO) 800-392-3738
Montana (MT) 866-820-5437
Nebraska (NE) 800-652-1999
Nevada (NV) 800-422-4453 Childhelp®
New Hampshire (NH) 800-894-5533
New Jersey (NJ) 877-652-2873
800-835-5510 (TDD/hearing impaired, TTY)
New Mexico (NM) 855-333-7233
New York (NY) 800-342-3720
800-369-2437 (TDD/hearing impaired, TTY)
North Carolina (NC) 800-422-4453 Childhelp®
North Dakota (ND) 800-422-4453 Childhelp®
Ohio (OH) 800-422-4453 Childhelp®
Oklahoma (OK) 800-522-3511
Oregon (OR) 855-503-7233
Pennsylvania (PA) 800-932-0313
866-872-1677 (TDD)
Puerto Rico (PR) 800-981-8333
Rhode Island (RI) 800-422-4453 Childhelp®
South Carolina (SC) 800-422-4453 Childhelp®
South Dakota (SD) 800-422-4453 Childhelp®
Tennessee (TN) 877-237-0004
Texas (TX) 800-252-5400
Utah (UT) 855-323-3237
Vermont (VT) 800-649-5285
Virginia (VA) 800-552-7096
Washington (WA) 866-363-4276
800-624-6186 (TDD)
West Virginia (WV) 800-352-6513
Wisconsin (WI) 800-422-4453 Childhelp®
Wyoming (WY) 800-422-4453 Childhelp®