Noncustodial Party Employment Programs
Noncustodial Party Employment Programs assist unemployed or underemployed noncustodial parties in establishing a pattern of regular child support payments by obtaining and maintaining unsubsidized, competitive employment.
CSA Noncustodial Party Employment Programs | ||
Program | County | Description |
Responsible Parents Employment Network (RPEN) | Anne Arundel | |
Step Up | Baltimore City | Supporting, Training, Employing Parents. |
Winning Fathers Program | Baltimore County | Preparing dads for a brighter future. |
Parents as Partners Program | Caroline | Two parents, one dream: supporting children. |
Young Fathers Employment Program | Baltimore County Caroline Talbot |
Empowering fathers to support their children. |
Mid-Shore RISE Program | Caroline Dorchester Kent Queen Talbot |
Re-engaging individuals through successful employment. |
Job Network | Baltimore County | Linking employers with parents who want to pay child support. |
The County Alliance Program for Employment (CAPE) | Washington | Creating opportunities for parents to succeed. |
NETWorks | Somerset Wicomico Worcester |
Providing parents with a network of resources to support their children. |