Parents and Caregivers
How to Open a Child Support Case
Thank you for your interest in child support services. To start a new case, please read our fee disclosure statement below and apply for services. Please use our online application. Applying online if the fastest and most secure method of applying. Please note there is a $1.50 convenience fee for applying online if you are required to pay the $15 application fee (more information below).
Notice to Out of State Applicants:
You are encouraged to apply for child support services in your state of residence. Applying directly with the State of Maryland may result in your having to personally appear in Maryland on numerous occasions. Your state can file a Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) case with Maryland, under which your personal appearance is not required, and you may appear telephonically.
Apply Online (Recommended):

Apply By Mail:
The Child Support Enforcement Administration discourages customers from mailing child support applications. Placing your application in the mail not only takes longer but may place you at risk of disclosure of your personally identifiable information and identity theft.
Should you choose to apply by mail, you may pick up an application at your local Child Support office, request an application be mailed to you by contacting DHS Customer Service at 800-332-6347, or download and print the application using the link below. If you are seeking establishment or modification of a court order for child support, please include a Financial Statement with your application.
Note: We are unable to accept applications via e-mail as it is not secure. Please mail, fax, or hand deliver your paper application to your local Child Support office.
Fee Disclosure
There is a one-time, $15 fee to apply for child support services. You may be exempt from the application fee if you currently or previously received Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) or Medical Assistance. A separate application is required for each case.
In addition to the $15 application fee, certain cases will be charged an annual fee of $15 after $3,500 in payments are distributed in that year. For more information about fees, please review our Frequently Asked Questions
Provide new Information or View Payment Information
You may provide new or updated information and check your payment information online or by phone.