Support Pass Through

When a custodial party’s family is authorized to receive cash assistance through the State’s Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) program, current support payments are assigned to the Department of Human Services (DHS). If current support is paid in a month, DHS will send a portion of that payment to the custodial party. Payments made on support arrears are not eligible for pass through payments.
This amount is based on the amount of current support paid in the prior month and on the number of children in the TCA household.

Number of Children Maximum Monthly Payment

A family on cash assistance can receive up to the maximum payment or the court-ordered amount for any given month, whichever is less.

The Support Pass Through payment is based on the total of all current support paid in a calendar month and the total number of children in the TCA household. Which NCP makes the payment is not a factor when determining the payment. The recipient of cash assistance will receive the maximum as outlined above, or the court-ordered amount, whichever is less.
No, you must have an active cash assistance case to receive Support Pass Through payments, even if you have an active SNAP case. Once your cash assistance case closes, your child support case will be transferred completely to the Child Support Administration and you will begin receiving the entire child support payment made by the NCP(s) of your child/children.
It is important to note, because Pass Through payments are received in the month after the support payment(s) are made by the NCP, you may receive a Pass Through payment in the month after your cash assistance case closes. For example, a cash assistance case closed on 9/28/19. If NCP made payment(s) on or before 9/28/19, the former cash recipient will get a Pass Through payment in October 2019.
Please call the customer service center at 1-800-332-6347